Ancient politics

Taking 1st step towards my passion… I always wanted to be that one person who can change a person’s mentality, his/her way of thinking, his/her personality.

So today taking the advantage of this stage I am sharing my views on India’s most debated topic “politics” and ofcourse “religion”.

In many Indian languages, politics has been called Rajniti. In one sense, it meant the principle of administration of the King or ruler. Through the time politics has evolved. The government of ancient India was a monarchy, which means that a king was in power. And when we talk about Indian king and their kingdom Our mind strikes to Shri Ram and his Ayodhya.

Shri Ram who gave the concept of “RAMRAJYA”. BY RAMARAJYA I do not mean Hindu Raj. Ram Rajya is an ideal form of government, a government where the ruler and subjects have a sort of a parent-child relationship, where the subjects can approach the ruler anytime with whatever problem they have and the ruler works for his/her subjects with a sense of duty, responsibility and love. Like a parent the ruler doesn’t discriminate between its subjects (children), and treats all his/her subjects with equal compassion.

And this was the rajya which Gandhiji wanted… But I wanna ask is it really possible to establish Ram rajya in 21st century?..or is it really possible to bring treta yug back?